

We use a variety of tools to help us make apps and sites quickly. No need to reinvent the wheel! Have a peek and see if any of these tools will be relevant to your project.


We use github to manage and share all of our code. This webpage you are viewing right now is hosted on github. When a project is getting started, we'll make sure to give you access to the repo so that you can start codeing.


If you aren't using Sass, then you aren't doing it right. Just kidding. We have really grown to like Sass and all of the awesome benefits it brings to writing CSS in our applications. If you don't know how to work in Sass, then we highly recommend that you go read through the documentation and tutorial on the Sass website. We will use Sass extensively for creating modules like buttons, color variables, and more.


Grab a glass. Pour. Drink. Paired with Sass, Bourbon is a great library of mixins that help your write your CSS much more efficiently. There are tons of awesome goodies included with Bourbon. Bourbon allows us to save a few keystrokes and get our apps launched more quickly.


Haml is a beautiful way to write markup and help speed up the process of developing applications. We use it quite a bit, but do not require it if you are not comfortable with using Haml. We recommend giving it a shot though as we think that you will quickly grow to love developing with Haml in all of your projects. You can read their extensive documentation or their tutorial to help you get started.

Middleman App

Middleman's motto is that it "makes developing websites simple." We agree. Middleman is a great gem to use to create static sites for marketing sites, sign up pages, and much more. If ever you need to get a simple site set up quickly, Middleman is the way to go. Check out their "Getting Started" guide and you'll be getting a site up and running in no time.